SNS Online goes on location to Norfolk, to discover it’s biggest and best secret…Trunchonbury! Part one (of two) of an in-depth, fully illustrated exploration of one of the best – and friendliest – festivals currently in the UK. Features interviews with Jeramiah Ferrari, Sam and the Womp, Dodgy, Rivers, Doris Brendel, The Tapi Project, Dick York and the Originals, OmniVibes, Hydra Lerna, Odder Seas and many, many more.
SNS Online goes on location to Norfolk, to discover it’s biggest and best secret…Trunchonbury! Part two (of two) of an in-depth, fully illustrated exploration of one of the best – and friendliest – festivals currently in the UK. Features interviews with Jeramiah Ferrari, Sam and the Womp, Dodgy, Rivers, Doris Brendel, The Tapi Project, Dick York and the Originals, OmniVibes, Hydra Lerna, Odder Seas and many, many more.
Thinking of going to this year’s Trunchonbury? Then why not check out our roving microphone to hear the word from the field, with SNS Online’s raving Nick Randell! Trailer features extracts from our two part Trunchonbury special, available to be heard here or via free download.